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Otsuka Pharmaceutical

Aminoleban® EN 肝美靈®肝臟營養劑水果味 50克 x 21包

型號: 14987035480102
存貨狀態: 現貨產品
HK$ 1650.00


More details
使用肝美靈®的注意事項 1
 肝美靈®只能口服,並不能經由血管供給
 沖調後,請立即服用;如有需要,請將已沖調的肝美靈®放於涼爽的地方,並
 為改善口感,沖調後可加入含纖維的蔬菜

肝美靈®的沖調方法 1

 先將180毫升室溫水或和暖的開水(約38°C-50°C)倒入容器內,再加入一包50克
的肝美靈 ® 粉
 徹底拌勻
 沖調後之分量約為200毫升,每1毫升可供給1千卡熱量

 先將 180 毫升室溫水或和暖的開水(約38°C-50°C)倒入樽內
 再加入一包 50 克的肝美靈 ® 粉於樽中,蓋上樽蓋後充分地搖勻,直至粉末溶解
 配製後之分量約為 200 毫升,每 1 毫升可供給 1 千卡熱量

肝美靈®常見問題 1
 肝美靈®的每日劑量能提供多少蛋白質及熱量?
A: 每日服用正常劑量(150 克)之肝美靈®,能提供40.5克蛋白質及 630 千卡熱量;
 我不太習慣肝美靈®的味道,覺得太過濃味,可以怎麼辦?
 醫生建議我須要限制水份攝取,可以怎麼辦?
A:如須限制水份攝取,可提高沖調濃度至每毫升2千卡,即以80 毫升開水或暖水,沖
調一包 50 克的肝美靈®。
 肝美靈®可與其他食物/飲品同服嗎?

A:肝美靈 ® 可與大部份食物/飲品同服,但亦必須注意:為免內含之蛋白質成分變質,
請勿使用沸水進行配製;配製時亦請勿加入鮮果汁,因鮮果汁酸性能引致肝美靈 ® 結成
 服用肝美靈®安全嗎?
 甚麼人士不適合服用肝美靈®?

參考資料 :
1. Aminoleban ®  EN Powder Hong Kong prescribing information.

Important precautions 1

 This product is intended for oral feeding and should not be administered into a
blood vessel

 This product should be reconstituted before use (within 10 hours). If
necessary, the preparation should be stored in a cool place
 Flavors and fibrous vegetables may be mixed with the preparation to improve

Preparation of Aminoleban ®  EN powder 1

 Pour about 180 mL of water or warm water into a blender, add the entire
contents of one Aminoleban ®  EN powder package (50 g) into it.
 Thoroughly reconstitute
 The volume of the reconstitution is approximately 200 mL, and the
reconstitution provides about 1 kcal/mL of energy

Aminoleban® EN Powder Shaker
 Pour about 180 mL of water or warm water into the Aminoleban® EN powder
 Add the entire contents of one Aminoleban® EN powder package (50 g) into
it. Close the lid and thoroughly shake it until the powder dissolves
 The volume of the reconstitution is approximately 200 mL, and the
reconstitution provides about 1 kcal/mL of energy
Frequently Asked Questions 1

How much protein and calories could a regular daily dose of Aminoleban® EN
powder provide me?
A: The regular daily dosage (150 g) of this product provides 40.5 g of protein and a
total of 630 kcal. When the patient needs more protein and calories, the balance
should be supplemented in the patient’s diet.

I do not like the taste of Aminoleban® EN powder. What should I do?
A: When a patient rejects the product due to its taste (particularly its bitterness), the
dosage of the product may be reduced to approximately 0.8 kcal/mL (reconstitute
one package [50 g] of the product in approximately 230 mL of water or warm water).

My doctor instructed me to restrict water intake. What should I do?

A: When a patient requires restriction of water intake, the dosage of the product may
be increased to approximately 2 kcal/mL (reconstitute one package [50 g] of the
product in approximately 80 mL of water or warm water).
Can I take Aminoleban® EN powder with other food or drinks?
A: Aminoleban  ®  EN powder can be taken with most food or drinks. However,
please be reminded that boiling water should not be used for reconstitution to
avoid denaturation of the protein. Fresh fruit juice should not be combined since the
acidity of the fruit juices may cause gel formation.

Is it safe to take Aminoleban® EN powder?
A: Aminoleban® EN powder is generally well tolerated: abdominal
distension, nausea, heartburn and abdominal pain occasionally occur; if there is
diarrhea, the dose needs to be reduced or stopped. Patients who have allergic
reactions to Aminoleban® EN powder, such as rash, itching, should stop taking it.

Who is not suitable to take Aminoleban® EN powder?
A: People who have had an allergic reaction to any ingredient of Aminoleban® EN
powder should not take it; people who are allergic to milk should also not take
Aminoleban® EN powder as it contains casein as an additive. For enquiry, please
consult your doctor or pharmacist.

1. Aminoleban ®  EN Powder Hong Kong prescribing information.


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